I had the amazing opportunity to gallivant around Electric Forest for the first time a couple weeks ago. If you have never been to Electric Forest it is much more than a collection of stages that all have music scheduled throughout a weekend. The forest absolutely comes to life for about 5 days out of the year. After being there for more than 3 hours it is easy why many return to call it ‘home.’ There was so much to take in this weekend – while sitting under an art installation made up of light up ‘clouds’ surrounded by hammocks I was able to think about a few of my favorite things from this year’s Forest. Here’s to Electric Forest 2017!
Sometimes life gets in the way and makes you miss when GRiZ closes out a festival in his home state – that is exactly what happened to me this year but I was in luck – because GRiZ made sure that his closing set at Sherwood Court on Sunday night was not his only set of the weekend. Not by a long shot. If you were vigilant enough at EF you could see GRiZ leading a sing-along parade throughout the forest, leading a jam session at his All Good Records curated stage, or my personal favorite part of the weekend going b2b with Shooka for one of the craziest hours of bass house I have ever experienced. GRiZ very well could have taken the MVP crown of Electric Forest 2016

The Basshead Clean Up Crew
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