Pretty Lights had had his fans buzzing for a few days now after a few cryptic posts and a haunting video across a few social media platforms.
Pretty Lights is no stranger to innovation, for his last album release he recorded all original samples and had them pressed to vinyl before ripping them for his new tracks, so what could these new social media messages mean?
It all started with a tweet –
I’m no longer satisfied making “music” to “release” on “albums”. Different is coming.
— PL (@PrettyLights) February 28, 2016
Trust me when I tell you that the speculation from this short, 13 word tweet was rampant all over the internet. Some people suggested it could be the end to Pretty Lights, some people suggested more far fetched ideas, such as Pretty Lights being turned into an interpretive dance project (That’s what I’m hoping for).
Then the messages kept coming, the next ones having more of a theme. They all showed a cassette tape in some way shape or form. A few Instagram posts posted in the right order showed a cassette tape with a link to and a quote from Nikola Tesla – “Everything is the light.”
Then one more tweet, again referencing the word light and showing a cassette tape –
However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light -Stanley Kubrick
— PL (@PrettyLights) February 29, 2016
Well, any ideas? Many suggest that it could just mean that Pretty Lights will be releasing his next batch of music via cassette tape, but that’s only one of many speculations that are being thrown around the internet right now. The last piece of media is the video that is being linked in most of these social media messages. An almost haunting video that shows Derek Vincent Smith walking in what looks like an alley, looking calm and collected before taking the stage in front of thousands of people. The last thing we are shown in the video is a cassette being thrust into a tape player. Only time will tell. Let the wild ideas start flowing! Watch video!
Pretty Lights
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Photo Credit : Sarah Murr – PL Facebook Page
Whatever it may be he always delivers