Dance music’s undisputed dons Skrillex and Diplo, known collectively as the super group of the century, Jack U, have started spilling the beans on some upcoming music and have dished out some inside details about what working together has been like. The pair, unparalleled champions of their respective realms within dance music’s vastly expanding spectrum, made huge waves with their Ultra Music Festival debut, but in an interview with Billboard, the duo shared an inside perspective on what things are like for Jack U away from the main stage madness.
Sonny explains that when him and Wes link up, its really more about fun than anything.
It’s just a lot of fun for him and I to get in the studio and make jokes and just really try to come up with the most annoying sounds ever.”
Although its all fun and games between the two producer giants, these two don’t rule the world by warping whoopie cushion noises and elephant farts. The Grammy nominated producer follows up, explaining that ultimately the two just want to make fun, danceable bangers.
What we try to do is make the stupidest thing ever and make it actually work – that’s our only thing.”
Judging by The OWSLA and Mad Decent label heads’ commanding track records, the results should prove to be off the wall. And although Diplo’s sound most definitely varies from his counterpart’s, the two superstar producers share fresh synergy.
The thing about the music I make and the music he makes is that even though it might sound different, sonically, we always take this, like, fun approach to making music rather than taking it too seriously.”
Most importantly, the pair delve into what might be the secret behind true success in the ever-evolving EDM space. Highlighting the key play behind the huge success that teams like Chromeo and Duck Sauce have found behind their records this year, the two explain that approach is everything. Skrill explains that Jakc U is about having fun; life’s too short to take ourselves too seriously.
With Diplo’s Mad Decent Block Parties heating up this summer, and Skrillex working on the new Transformers soundtrack, along with a slew of festival appearances both together and solo, its safe to say these two are the hardest working performers in dance music, and the summer definitely holds some exciting things.
You guys spelled Jack U wrong…