Last August we began speculating on whether Skrillex and Chance were working together and a little over a week ago we told you about the OWSLA big man hitting the studio with Mike Will Made It and Chance. Well, in an interview with XXL magazine that was released today, Skrillex was able to confirm he has tracks with the two artists as well as “many bullets in the chamber.” First Skrillex talked about how he first met Mike a few years ago:
“I was working on the Bangarang EP, and he had just showed me [Rihanna’s] ‘Pour It Up‘ [with] a demo vocal on it, unmixed, and some of the Future joints that have been coming out,” Skrillex said via phone. “And he was just like, ‘What the fuck is this sound?’ And I was in his room like, ‘What the fuck is this sound?’ It was appreciation for each other, and it was just natural. I didn’t really know much about who Mike WiLL was other than some of that shit, and then I realized he was a self-made kid. He just had his whole crew with the Eardrummas, and created this whole collective of musicians that he grew up with. And it’s the same story we have with OWSLA my record label. We were just friends playing together. Now we’re more successful and touring, but it’s always been the same process—hang together, make records together and collaborate together.”
When he gets asked specifically about the night in the studio with Mike and Chance this is what Skrillex had to say:
“The thing about it is that there are so many records that are being made right now—which is also exciting—and whether they come out tomorrow or a year from now, there’s definitely a lot of bullets in the chamber.”
Skrillex is one of the biggest names in electronic music right now and it is great to see that he has plenty of unreleased music to throw our way. Hopefully these tracks see the light of day sooner rather than later, but we can rest assured that plenty is on the horizon for this hard working producer.
Read the rest of the interview between XXL Magazine and Skrillex here.
Jesus christ, his album will be epic. I'm sure it will change the scene again.
Billy Winn
Billy Winn is a singer, songwriter, recording artist, and entertainer taking his first steps onto the international music scene, with an electrifying presence, and a powerhouse talent. In the spring of 2012, he released “Future X Boyfriend,” a sexy Electro/Pop number that garnered exposure and an online buzz for the burgeoning Pop performer.
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