Big news for fans of Ship Wrek today as the solo project has now turned into a duo. To accompany this big announcement the newly formed duo released a new single aptly titled Party. We had a chance to sit down and talk with Ship Wrek about this move and what they’ve got planned for the future.
What has it been like transitioning from a solo act to a now duo?
It has been the absolute best decision for both of us creatively. We have always had a close relationship for years as friends in two separate music projects. Working together, we just click and we both push each other to become the best we can be in music and as people.
What does your creative process consist of now that there are two minds melding into one?
We have a very unique process where we both spend a good portion of our time creating new ideas separately and once the idea is far enough along we pass it off to one another. We each have our own unique set of skills when it comes to producing, songwriting, etc. and it blends together to create a next level sound.
What are each of your backgrounds?
Tripp – I grew up in Gainesville, Florida. As a college town, I was exposed early on to the music industry. I remember when my friends and I were 16, we would climb the roof of this club that threw the main shows in town and sneak through a back door to see our favorite artists. Throughout high school I played guitar in bands and my senior year I started a bass heavy project called Part Native. Part Native unexpectedly took traction and gave me opportunities to travel the world and gain massive support from notable djs and artists.
Collin – I’m originally from a small town outside of Richmond, Virginia and moved to LA when I graduated high school. I fell in love with dance music when I was like 12 blasting Scary Monsters and jamming to Flume (I actually pre-ordered Flume’s debut album).
Tripp, what is the reason you decided to leave the Part Native project?
It was a very hard decision but I felt that I couldn’t fully express myself musically. I felt that we put ourselves in a box and the fans would not enjoy other styles I wanted to create. That being said, I know David is going to continue with PN and I wish him the best of luck!
Joining the Ship Wrek project with Collin, we have so much more flexibility and I love that. The whole vibe to the project is doing whatever makes you happy and rolling with it. I love the direction we’re taking our music and I couldn’t be more excited!!
Many of your past releases have been with NCS, do you see yourself continuing to release with them or do you see yourself going more of an independent route?
NCS is a great platform for new artists and I encourage everyone to go check it out! We plan on taking the next steps to really solidify who we are as artists and push the boundaries of what it means to be a performing DJ. We have lots of exciting plans for our brand and music.
What inspires your productions?
We really like fashion and keeping up to date on the latest trends and styles from our favorite designers. Clothing to us is such a creative art form and represents a lot about a person. Also super inspired by listening to podcasts and traveling to play shows!
Who would be your top producers you would inspire to work with one day?
Really really loving Chris Lake’s music right now and it’s been a longtime dream to collaborate with Disclosure.
Lastly, who is the captain of this ship?
Both of us! We were actually voted Men’s Sexiest Boat Captain’s… ok maybe not but we should be!
Check out their new single “Party” below and get ready for a grip of new music from this supremely talented duo. .
Ship Wrek – Party | Download
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