UPDATE: Ookay’s account has been returned!
In the past year Soundcloud has had their fair share of issues surrounding copyright infringement, thanks to big-name labels pressuring the online company to enforce stricter policies and guidelines. As a result, countless respected artists in the scene have had their accounts permanently deleted via Soundcloud’s “three strike” policy. The other day LA producer Ookay became the latest victim, as his bootleg of the White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army” earned him his third and final strike on the site.
Is Soundcloud going too far? As music progresses in our digital age it seems to become increasingly difficult to find an equilibrium that fully satisfies artists, streaming services, labels, and of course music fans as well. Read Ookay’s frustrated tweets and let us know what you think in the comments section below.
THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT pic.twitter.com/zFSiw2rcge
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 2, 2016
I’ll keep my head up.
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 2, 2016
I’m worried about all the upcoming producers trying to make a name for themselves. I got mine. I’m still getting mine like you all are.
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 2, 2016
also glad to know Soundcloud support’s twitter has only been about getting their payments to go through rather than helping the artist out.
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 2, 2016
Also this is really showing how supportive my fans and friends really are. I love all of you.
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 3, 2016
I made remixes to gain some popularity every once in a while and I hustled my ass off because thats the only way I knew how. now it bites me
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 3, 2016
My best revenge is making the best damn song i’ve ever fucking made.
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 3, 2016
I’m sad about the fact that I lost all my “likes”. True gems in there. So many great artists I’ve found through the poison that killed me
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 3, 2016
We fall down, but we get up.
— OOKAY (@Ookayx) June 3, 2016
Stop stealing and this wont happen. You need premission to use certain tracks everybody knows that
i think its criminal whats going on with this completely deleteing acounts…. these labels and artist have made tons of money…. the world is hard enough to right now just to survive…. letting artist make a name by remixing is part of our culture and helps balance how hard it is for artists… the better you are, the better the remix… the bigger you grow… i make mostly orginals, and so does Ookay… so there is nothing wrong with remixing… its super rich people/companys screwing over the little guy, all for greed… thats all this is… no other way to look at it
Remixing isn't stealing brother
Braeden Alexander DeLong using samples without permission is copyright infringement and there are consequences that come wi
th using them sometimes
you says this.. yet if you actually knew what was happening with soundcloud, youd relize that people like martin garrix are getting striked for their own music on their own channel. also Remixing is a part of EDM Culture, it always has been. and the point going through is even with permission soundcloud still removes you.
Bueno, despues de todo es una obra derivada por lo cual tienen el permiso a remover el contenido, sin embargo creo que eliminar una cuenta es demasiado "castigo" por haber trabajado horas y horas rehaciendo algo que ya existe con tu propio estilo, igual el nombre y la fama de un artista no se van a la mierda con su cuenta de SoundCloud. Animo Ookay.
From what it seems, it's no different to older bands like the White Stripes once covering other artists songs in order to gain a bit of populairty and make a name for themselves. The same idea still stands, the technology has just changed and I think a lot of artists and industry heads need to recognise this in order to move forward in finding a balance.
IamDj Leem arent you allowed to sample as long as you use less than a like 20 or 15 percent of the actual song
Dj's & Produers have made Soundcloud what it is today. Now they're deleting us. On some of these remixes, the amount of time, and work put into them, is way more than the original ever had. These should be credited, not deleted. Soundcloud deleting them, is deleting countless hours, years of work, and music history. This is all because of fat, money hungry, greedy, dirtbags wanting to push their shitty, no talent copywriten music on us.
yet another industry thats progressively tipping in the favor of money rather than art, the world needs a change, im disgusted and i think many artists are as well. this is not going to sit well and artists are going to fight back hard. prepare yourselves big name labels and company ceo's, the music scene doesnt fuck around with this bullshit like other industries might…
Its not about who made Soundcloud, or what content they made. Its the fact that they bootleg a unique song, made by someone else entirely, and then make it free to download. That's stealing and letting other people steal that shit too. Its about laws, not about artistery or an artists feelings.
not too far, its CLEARLY in the rules, not to mention got TWO warnings. Ookay is a stupid twat for ignoring them