To anyone who listened to the radio or got on the internet last year know that Skrillex and Diplo took the world by storm. Their rise into full fledged mainstream stars was a long time coming and well deserved. Their hits with Justin Bieber, AlunaGeorge and more dominated the radio all year long and it looks like we are finally getting some new material soon. While we have seen previews of new Jack U music with Florence Welch and Mo, we haven’t heard new Jack U music for quite some time. Diplo took to Twitter to announce that new Jack U material was coming soon; kicking off the hype train. He has since deleted the post, but it wouldn’t have made it’s way up if their wasn’t any truth to the announcement. Hopefully this means we get to hear some new material from this superstar duo sooner rather than later.
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Hunter Thompson
(H/T Dancing Astronaut)
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